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  • 生物光波遠紅外線能量護腰護膝,榮獲美國FDA與台灣TFDA醫療器材認證,具有工研院與海洋大學實驗室遠紅外線放射率檢測,生物光波粒子轉能加工技術
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            生物光波粒子暨遠紅外線生物光波能量普遍存在天地萬物之有機體中,不管是動物、植物皆具備相當大比例之遠紅外線生物光波能量,本公司高科技光波植入技術【生物光波粒子-奈米光波能量植入科技】技術為取自天地萬物賴以為生之【太陽能】遠紅外不可見光4~14微米波段,日本人尊稱為【生命光波】,中醫稱之【氣】 ,為一切生物能量之母,亦為日本經營指導之神-船井幸雄先生對『宇宙本物』之稱謂。此技術已取得台灣新型專利字號第 M270823號  M511340號   M512415號   M512414號  M512413號  、大陸新型專利號 ZL 200720049543.8  ZL201520479240.4  ZL201520477695.2  ZL201520479223.0  ZL201520479083.7  轉能加工專利、流體用轉能加工裝置、能量面膜等20項專利認證。







『食』:水、酒/咖啡/茶葉 (改變口感)、中藥材、健康食品、壺、杯、保鮮膜、杯墊








       BIO-POWER綠能高科技光波保健系列產品 :遠紅外線晶片、遠紅外線晶片床墊光波遠紅外線護腰光波遠紅外線護膝光波遠紅外線護腕、光波遠紅外線項鍊、光波遠紅外線時尚魔力環、光波遠紅外線礦泉水…等攸關人體健康之綠能高科技遠紅外線光波系列產品。



【Bio-light far-infrared energy implantation technology】 Technology, which can be applied to products in related industries such as "food, clothing, housing, transportation, beauty, medical, environmental protection, agriculture" and other related industries.BIO-POWER high-tech bio-light wave far-infrared health care products: bio-energy chip, chip mattress, energy waist support, energy knee support, bio-light wave energy wristband, bio-light wave fashion magic ring, bio-light wave energy filter, energy mask, Energy coasters, energy floors, energy physiotherapy devices, etc. are related to human health, green energy high-tech biological light wave far infrared energy series products.

The core competitiveness of the concentric biotechnology operation lies in the world's unique [bio-light wave energy implantation technology] equipment processing and manufacturing won 20 patents in China and Taiwan, OEM / ODM high-density bio-light wave particle implantation technology and BIO-POWER green energy high-tech Bio-light wave far-infrared energy series products, no radiation, no intrusion, no electromagnetic waves, no magnetic force, no side effects, safe, fast and effective, beyond the existing bio-ceramics, bamboo charcoal fiber, titanium germanium trace metal element technology.

This process can be implanted in any textile, metal, wood, water, cosmetics, any color, shape, material, jewelry, no waste, no change in the color, shape, volume of the original object ..., so that the entire product is 100% There is biological light wave far infrared energy, not the low content far infrared rays processed by general ceramic powder, and there is no concern about harmful ore radiation. Textile products have no ceramic powder to harm textile machinery, nor bioceramic powder is not resistant to multiple washing Troubled.The company passed the US FDA and Taiwan TFDA medical device certification




  Thomson Bio-energy Tech Co., Ltd.



           Rm. 4, 7F., No. 109, Sec. 6, Minquan E. Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.)










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